Kit list

Our recommended kit list

Please find a list of essentials to bring on the day. Please ensure that there are no nuts in any products you pack for lunch or snacks. The list below covers all eventualities for spring early summer weather  Please just use your judgement depending on the forecast. The key thing is that children can stay dry and warm in case of rain. 

  • Wellies or boots in case of muddy conditions
  • Warm clothes, including a hat and gloves
  • Long trousers and sleeves
  • Towel
  • A change of clothes just in case!
  • Raincoat and waterproof trousers
  • Notepad and pencil
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Lunch and a snack (no nuts or products containing nuts please)
  • Water  

Please note that a toilet, hand washing materials and hand sanitiser will all be provided on site.  We will also provide extra drinking water.

Covid 19 Notice

The running of the sessions will depend on Scottish Government guidelines in relation to the current Covid 19 outbreak. If the sessions need to be cancelled as a result, a full refund will be provided.

If anyone in your household is suffering any symptoms of Covid-19 (persistent cough, raised temperature, and/or loss of taste), we would request that you do not send your child to the session. A full refund will be provided in such cases. We would request that parents/guardians consult and follow the up-to-date advice on the Scottish Government website ( in relation to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Wildside Nature will do all within our control to stop any possible transmission, by carrying out regular hand sanitising of all participants and cleaning or using new materials between sessions. However, we cannot be held responsible if any transmission was to occur during any of our sessions.